Friday, May 1, 2009

Week 7 Lecture

For our week 7 lecture Dr John Barton from City Futures Research Centre UNSW came into to talk to us about Urban development. Firstly he ttalked to us about a project that he had a lot to do with which is called UrbanIT Project 2030. It is a large scale design project for the re-design of Sydney, almost like a city of Sydney Masterplan. He showed us an interesting video that they created showing off how different buildings and transport systems had been removed or relocated, new parks and walk ways had been added as well as new buildings. It was an interesting look at what Sydney could look like in 20 years.

He then showed us a set of images based on research that was undertaken near the city in a housing development. His research showed what different people relate with different things, such as happyness, lonelyness, danger and death. This gave an interesting insight into how different people related different things, and a good 3D representation of these themes.

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