Monday, April 6, 2009

Contribution to Task 1

For task 1 we as a team had to complete and submit a draft environment in crysis. It had give people an idea of the environment and the building that we would be creating. Our environment showed the site, the building and some surrounding buildings and environment such as trees. The full draft environment and videos can be found on our team blog.

My contribution to the draft environment was as follows:

Programming and adding the AI
I added people into the environment and then had to add AI and paths for these people to follow, this gave our environment a better feel as a community based environment, since it is a community centre.
This adding of AI required alot of stuffing round due to it disappearing every time we loaded our map back up. This was solved by making sure you save all the flowgraphs and programming to an entity in the environment.

I did a fair bit of work on modelling the surrounding warf in the harbour, and making sure the textures where right. We still have some work to do and hopefully work out how to boolean the objects correctly so we can get a seamless texture for the wharf, or at least make the pieces meet up properly so the texture fits properly on the whole wharf.

Wharf Piles
I helped Alichia create the piles that will go underneath the wharf, this was a simple case of cloning one element over and over, and rotating or moving to fit into right position.

AI and Sound Tech Tests
As mentioned earlier in my blog and on the team blog i did AI and sound tech tests. We didnt end up using any sound for the draft environment because we didn't deam it necessary. AI wa implimented

Hieght Map
I did alot of work working out how the height map works in crysis, and playing with photoshop to work out what we needed to do to import it into crysis. You need to use a format such as RAW or BMP8 bit and it must be grayscale. This took a fair bit of stuffing around to get working properly.

Helped with the presentation. Me and Kenneth created, edited and composed the 2 videos for our presentation as well as took some screenshots to show important aspects of the design and environment.

I helped or did a few other things as well that i can not remember at the moment, so if i remember i will add them in the future.

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