Thursday, April 9, 2009

Social Networks

A social network is a group of people or organisations or similar that all have a common interest. This may be common visions, or friendship or even a common sexuality. Social networking sites such as Facebook or Myspace are internet based tools to help people in these social networks collaborate. If you take Facebook for example, which is fast becoming one of the most popular social networking sites, you can browse people all around the world based on different social status. Such as where they went to school, what their religion is or simply what they enjoy doing.

Social networking is a very important tool for collaboration, specially on a project like ours, because as well as allowing our team to communicate with each other, it means we can find a social network that is interested in similar things or has undertaken a similar task and collaborate with them to find out more information or tips and tricks. This can be very valuable in projects similar to ours, since you can easily find other people with the same interest, it also means that other people can follow our projects and learn from us as well as us learning from them and the project itself. It helps broaden the whole concept of collaboration.

Here are some examples of similar sites.

- Facebook
- MySpace
- Twitter
- Flickr
- Bebo
- DeviantArt
- Flixster

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